Enigma officially announced

Book cover: Enigma: The Lost Colonies Book 1. Cover Coming Soon

Two official new book announcements in one week? How is that possible? Did I really write a second book in that short a time?

I wish I was that cool. I started Enigma long before New Denver and had mostly finished it, but I put it aside in favor of moving the Timeless Keeper Saga forward. (Along those lines, you have my promise that I will always prioritize finishing existing series over creating new ones. No one hates waiting for the next episode more than me. 😁 )

And along with that comes a new book page and description! To whet your appetite for this science fiction / fantasy adventure, here's the tagline:

10,000 years ago, humanity escaped extinction from the Destroyers by scattering across the galaxy. Now, two friends divided by a tragic accident must race down very different paths to subvert an insidious plot that could destroy the colonies and finish what their ancient enemy started.

Find the new book page and full description here: https://www.ryansouthwickauthor.com/enigma