Book Review: An Unsettled Grave

Book cover: An Unstettled Grave by Bernard Schaffer

An Unsettled Grave is the second book in the series. I didn’t read the first one, and, while at times I felt I was missing a key piece of Santero or Rein’s past, it wasn’t enough to detract from the story. Carrie Santero was realistic, relatable, and tough, but not overblown. Rein was a justified mess that seemed to get messier the deeper we dug—and I mean that in a good way.

Perspective shifts from person to person, and from past to present. Dear Carrie faces two cases at the same time, each frustratingly elusive, while the blanks are gradually filled with present-day research and past-day storytelling. Schaffer spares few details when describing crime scenes, but thankfully stays this side of gratuitous. His real-world detective experience shines through, making me (a non-detective) believe wholeheartedly that Carrie knows what she’s doing, and teaching me a thing or two along the way.

A few times I wish I hadn’t been told something so far in advance, but there were still enough twists and turns to keep the story moving and interesting. If police investigation fiction mixed with a touching if tragic story is your thing, An Unsettled Grave is sure to satisfy.